Dallas Maids’ first house cleaning commercial aired the first week of October, 2013 on KTXD TV. It was challenging to get as much information as possible in the short, 30 seconds ad. Fortunately our talented actress, Whitney, was able to talk quickly and articulately.
The transcript follows:
Let’s finally get your house in top shape so you can spend time on your career, family, and fun! Go to DallasMaids.com. At Dallas Maids, we use cleaning supplies that are safe for the family. Recommended by D-Home Magazine and rated A+ in Better Business Bureau, Dallas Maids is acclaimed for selective staffing and backed by top insurance protection. Call now and receive your free quote. Sign up for a year and first clean is free with a 100% satisfaction guarantee! Call, now. 972-851-9994 or online at DallasMaids.com.