From Failing Freshman to Graduating with Honors: A Guide to Academic Triumph

This is a departure from the cleaning tips and company updates we usually write about. Today, I want to share a personal story inspired by a post I wrote years ago on Reddit for struggling freshmen at my alma mater, Baylor University. This is my guide to academic triumph.

Reading about the challenges students face reminded me of my own rocky start in college and how I turned things around to graduate Baylor university with honors and as the President of the Golden Key National Honor Society.

My freshman year? It was rough. I earned Cs, a couple of Bs, and even a D in math, which I had to retake. But by the time I graduated, my transcript was a testament to hard work and determination along with a few tricks and tips I learned on the way. Some of the academic accolades I earned were Dean’s List, membership in the Order of Omega Greek Honor Society, elected as the president of the Golden Key National Honor Society, and Who’s Who in American College and Universities, all while being actively involved in campus life in organizations such as the Student Foundation, Baylor Taekwondo, Secretary of my fraternity, Baylor Art club, Student Union, and various volunteer activities.

My Guide to Academic Success

How did I manage such a turnaround? Here’s my blueprint for going from academic rock bottom to soaring success. I hope it inspires and helps you!

1. Study

High school didn’t prepare me for the volume of studying college required. I breezed through high school by finishing homework during class, leaving the rest of my day free because the last thing I wanted to do when I got home was more school work. But university was a different beast as demonstrated by my dismal first semester freshman grades.

During my second semester, I actually cracked open my textbooks, set aside dedicated study time, and focused, ending up with all As and Bs. This blew my mind. I didn’t see myself as ultra-smart. I’ve met ultra-smart folks, I know what smart is. I wasn’t ultra-smart. I simply studied and learned a few effective tactics.

2. Research Professors

I quickly started taking surveys, asking students who were the most interesting (not easiest) professors teaching a particular subject. I would take down the name of the professors then put a little X next to their name after each recommendation. If they made the topic fun and interesting, I’d learn. After all, you want to enjoy your experience; you want to be challenged in a way that turns you on. This makes learning easier and helped my grades tremendously.

3. Form Study Groups

On the first day of each class, I sized up my peers, seeking the smartest and most focused students. I quickly made friends and took the initiative to form study groups or collaborate on projects with these high-caliber kids. One memorable classmate I had the privilege of studying with in a Marketing class was Chip Gaines. Super-friendly, intelligent, and a talented baseball player, he clearly had all the qualities for success, so it’s no surprise to see how far he’s come with his show Fixer Upper. You are motivated when around other motivated students. The synergy that materializes among your study group propels you to standards higher than you would otherwise had pushed yourself toward.

4. Learn the Game

After pouring my heart and a ton of time into a paper I thought was brilliant and a sure A, I was crushed to receive a mediocre grade. Curious, I reviewed other students’ work and noticed a pattern: longer papers often scored higher.

Next paper was MUCH easier to write, longer but taking less time because less thought was involved. Not as good as the first but I got an A. Learn how the professor’s systems work. Then accommodate their system. Yes, you may not put in the extra effort in that class, but that is effort you can allocate on another class to pull it up to an A, which leads to…

5. Time Management

As the semesters went by I learned how to have mad time management skills, even sectioning the day off into 15-minute increments to ensure every moment had a purpose, whether studying, participating in a student activity or organization, or simply socializing, I had a plan.

This precision allowed me to allocate effort strategically, focusing more on classes where I needed to boost my grade to an A while maintaining strong performance elsewhere. For example, let’s say I had a sure A in Art History (I was an Art minor) but needed to work a little harder to push a B to an A in a Business Statistics class – I knew I could devote less time to Art History, allocating more time to Business Statistics to earn an A.

And Don’t forget to allocate time for fun!

An interesting observation was my fellow Golden Key Honor Society members did the same – they allocated time to study and fun; they were the epitome of work hard, play hard.

6. Set “Unrealistic” Goal

Some of the worse advice a Baylor professor had given a class was to set realistic goals. Hogwash! Each semester, I aimed for straight As. And even though I never got straight A’s (got close but a B would always sneak in there), I ended up with a far higher GPA than if I had set “realistic” goals.

I recall some students setting their goals: They’d assume they would get an A in this class and a B in another class. They already made up their mind on what they could achieve. Don’t do this. Your goal is straight As and you can do it!

So, don’t shoot for the moon when you can aim for the stars. And even if the stars fall short, at least you’ll make it to the moon. As Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.”

7. Steer Clear of Naysayers

A professor once told my computer science class that anyone pursuing the field for money should quit. While I wasn’t solely in it for the money, it was a big motivator. I knew tech was the future and I was determined to overcome my weakness in it. So going with my gut and ignoring his advice was the BEST “mistake” I ever made! The computer classes did pull my GPA down but getting over my fear of computers was the foundation of my future success.

I got out of the computer field a few years in my career because it was not my talent; this experience taught me that focusing on strengths – not weaknesses – leads to long-term wins. However becoming somewhat proficient in tech led to success in life. I would not be where I am without that knowledge.

Side note: When I started my first business, I didn’t tell anyone what I was doing – not my friends, family, no one – until it was established because I wanted to avoid negative feedback. You can be the most confident person though we humans are highly suggestible. What others say sink into the subconscious so protect it sacredness. You need to consciously set your own goals, less others do it for you. So, don’t let others dictate your potential or bring you down.

8. Let Your Subconscious Do the Work for You

This technique is like unlocking a Jedi-level productivity hack that can increase the quality of your work while decreasing the amount of effort. In my writing classes, my papers were often held up as examples of excellence by professors, even though I wouldn’t consider myself an exceptional writer. The secret? I’d focus intensely on the assignment, then let it simmer in the back of my mind. A day or two later, the solution would suddenly flow, fully formed. When that “ah-ha” moment struck, I always had pen and paper ready. Once, while flying home, the entire paper just popped into place, and I jotted it down mid-flight. Easy A with minimal conscious effort. Same story with the paper that got me a nod for Noze Brotherhood unrush. (Of course, I completely botched unrush and didn’t get in, so let’s not talk about that.)

This isn’t just a personal trick, it’s a strategy that many top CEOs rely on. In Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell, he describes how successful people solve problems by first focusing deeply on them and then stepping back. By letting go, they give their subconscious mind the freedom to work on the problem in the background. When the answer finally surfaces, it feels spontaneous, but it’s the result of subconscious processing.

This method prevents overthinking and allows for creative breakthroughs. It’s an invaluable tool for anyone looking to solve complex problems efficiently while reducing stress, a truly Jedi-level approach to productivity. And instrumental to deciding upon the type of business I would eventually make my life’s purpose.

Make the Most of Your College Experience

Baylor University is an incredible institution, and attending was a privilege. Your college years are what you make of them – so seize the opportunity, work hard, work smart, and aim unrealistically high.

I hope this guide helps you navigate your journey. Whether you’re struggling or striving for the top, know that success is within your reach. As Zig Ziglar said, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”

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