We’re excited to announce Dallas Maids of Frisco has been chosen by HomeGuide‘s Best of 2020 as one of the “Top 10” house cleaning business in Frisco!
We are 100% dedicated to adding happiness to our customers’ lives by removing the chore of cleaning. It’s an honor to be recognized for our hard work!
Paul Mazzola, Founder of HomeGuide, writes:
Dear Greg,
I’m excited to announce that you’ve been named Best of HomeGuide in 2020. Congratulations!
We looked at dozens of other pros in your area, scored you on more than 10 variables, and hand picked you to be part of the program.
This is no small feat. In fact, the Best of HomeGuide pros make up less than six percent of all HomeGuide professionals.
Hard work deserves recognition, so we’re proud to offer you our Best of HomeGuide perks. We’re placing a ribbon on your profile and quotes so customers will recognize your achievement.
I’m honored to have you on HomeGuide and excited to see you grow your business. Congratulations again!
~ Paul Mazzola, Founder of HomeGuide