Dallas Maids employees and their families who are attending a four-year university are eligible for scholarships through the ISSA Foundation.
The ISSA Foundation offers scholarships for cleaning companies who are members of the ISSA and their employees along with their immediate family member. Applications will be accepted from January, 2024 to April, 2024. The average scholarship is $3,500.00 though some may be more and others less. To apply, visit https://issacharities.org/issa-scholars
Per ISSA Charities:
The donor-designated scholarship fund is a philanthropic investment from an ISSA member company in support of a named scholarship. Awards for the scholarship may be granted to employees and immediate family members of the company who are full-time students pursuing a graduate or undergraduate degree in a fully accredited four-year college or university. The ideal candidate for this scholarship will have demonstrated need and merit. Specific criteria can be established for the applicants by the designated fund donor.
ISSA Scholars will administer this program and award grants on behalf of donors to eligible students who meet certain criteria.
Scholarships candidates will need to provide the following materials for the application process. To be considered for an award, all required items must be submitted digitally.
- Personal Information
- Essay (Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistance not allowed)
- Academic Activity and Leadership record
- Most recent official high school or college/university transcript. Printed copies from the Internet will not be accepted.
- Optional: official SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, or LSAT test scores. (You may send a copy of the original document received from the testing agency. These scores do not have to be submitted if they appear on your high school transcript, or if you are already in college.)
- Two evaluations from current or past professors or teaching assistants. If you are unable to obtain two educational evaluations, you may have the forms completed by an employer, supervisor, or coach.
Please note that ISSA Scholars awards cover the cost of books and tuition only. Other school related expenses such as room and board, materials, etc. are not covered under these awards.