Hello and welcome back to Dallas Maids! Today we’re giving you our tips on how to start a maid service. Every beginning is challenging. We’re here to help!
Today we are going to show some love for all of you up and coming cleaning industry tycoons. If you are thinking of starting a residential maid service or if you have launched one recently this video is for you! Here you will get business tips and trade secrets from Dallas Maids, the wildly successful, number one maid service in Dallas. Ready to make some money? Let’s do it!
Tip #1: Think big or go home!
If your plan is to have a large, thriving cleaning service then you need to treat it that way from the beginning. Write an operations manual outlining company policies and procedures.
If you try to fly by the seat of your pants you could crash and burn once you start to expand. Put sustainable systems in place for your operation with your long term goal in mind.
Train you employees and enforce company policy from the get go.
Having a solid business structure will keep your business from imploding when your workload increases because the weakest part of your chain of operations is where the added pressure of more business can cause a breakdown.
If something doesn’t work, rethink it and try something else until you find what works for your company.
Tip #2: Surround yourself with good people
Have high standards and expectations when you choose someone to work for you. Look for honesty, loyalty, passion and principles. You want to form long term working relationships with the people on every level of your business.
This should include people that provide services like your attorney and your accountant. Treat your employees with dignity and respect; be fair because a good employee is worth more than a good customer.
Expect your customers to do the same, hold them to high standards of behavior as well and if you happen to run into a customer that treats your employees badly… fire that customer!
Your employees need to know that you care about their welfare; they will work harder and be loyal to you if you do this. Praise them for a job well done and they will provide consistently excellent service to you clients.
Tip #3: The 80/20 rule
You should know that 20% of your customers will provide you with 80% of your revenue, don’t take them for granted! Likewise 20% of your clients will cause 80% of your problems and you can give yourself permission to let those ones go.
Your service will be better for doing so. On the home front 20% of your employees are going to provide 80% of the value so make sure you take care of them and send them to your best top 20% customers.
Tip #4: Know your Customer
You might have hundreds of customers but each of them hopefully only has one maid service… yours! Find out everything you can about your customers, make notes in their record, they don’t want to feel like a number to you.
Customize their service and they will keep coming back for more. Tip #5: Reach out Form relationships with other cleaning businesses. The owners tend to be friendly and helpful! Take notes on what is working for them and implement it. Communicate. Exchange ideas. Help each other grow and become better businesses.
Tip #6: Stand Strong and Walk Tall
Don’t compromise your principles for anyone. Have integrity, your word should be golden so don’t give it lightly. Don’t cut corners. Lead your employees by example and they will follow you anywhere.
That’s it for this edition of Clean Freaks; hopefully you got some valuable insight on how to start a successful and profitable maid service! Congratulations and good luck on your new project from your friends here at Dallas Maids!