Operations Tips for Cleaning Companies

Dallas Maids - Operations Tips for Cleaning Companies

The biggest asset of a maid service is its people. Consequently, finding competent cleaners is the most common gripe I hear from other cleaning service owners. We don’t have this issue. It starts with the hiring process. To the best of my knowledge, Dallas Maids hiring process is the most selective of any house cleaning service in Dallas. It is an understatement what is written on our About Us page: “PEOPLE POWER: Only 2% of applicants pass our stringent interview process”… It’s closer to 1%.

Here is our secret:

Step 1

Continually runs ads even if not hiring. If we find a perfect person, we will make room for them. And when we need someone, we run ads everywhere: Online, newspaper, TV, social media, everywhere. You need quantity to find quality.

Step 2

Phone interview. Our HR person tries to find any reason NOT to hire the candidate. She asks a series of break deal questions, with the most common breakers at the top. We want to get off the phone so we do not waste the candidate’s time.

Step 3

For the 4% that make it past the phone interview, we tell them why we like them then ask them to call the next day to set up a time for an office interview. Why? Because if they don’t call the next day, they would have been no-shows. No need to waste a time slot if they would have been no-shows.

Step 4

The office interview is a chance to get a better feel for the candidate. Dallas Maids operation manual provides structure and tips on how to read the candidates non-verbal communication. Simply, we look for two things:

1) Are they a hard worker?

2) Do they have a good heart?

You cannot have one without the other. If the candidate passes then they are offered a day to audition.

Step 5

Audition. Before hiring, we want to see how they work and if they would be a good fit. First, do they have the talent? No need to waste time training if there is no potential. Second, are they good people. Will they bring positive energy to the Dallas Maids family?

Step 6

Hired! Maybe 1% gets this far. They undergo training and performance evaluations. Immediately after training then after 3 months, they have a chance to earn a raise based on their performance evaluation.

Step 7

Bonuses based on performance. Our customers provide feedback. Employees’ bonuses, raises, choice jobs, and more is based on how happy they make our customers. Consequently, the top performers get paid well above the industry average. We keep our best people!

We also have big family outings, employee of the month recognition, awards, and caring office staff that bend backward to take care of our cleaners. It’s the least we can do for the most important asset of Dallas Maids; our people! And it works. Dallas Maids is the most award-winning house cleaning service in Dallas, Texas. The formula is simple: Take care of our people and they will take care of our customers.

Source: Expert Roundup: Operations Tips for Cleaning Companies ~ Vonigo