Simply Worth the Risk – Happy Thanksgiving!

Dallas Maids - Simply Worth the Risk Happy Thanksgiving!

With Thanksgiving ringing in the waning weeks of the year, I hope this season finds you healthy, safe and surrounded by those you love and who care for you.

I’m also optimistic that this year the holiday will look more like we remember. Some things may still be different, vestiges of the journey we have all been on the last 2 years. Things may be different, but in their change we have an opportunity to practice gratitude in a deeper, perhaps more reflective way.

I read an article the other day by an 87-year-old woman in the New York Times. Having battled Covid and been vaccinated she is entering the holiday season with a fresh perspective. “I have decided that life is simply worth the risk.

”What a perspective to consider this Thanksgiving. Sure, we have all taken the precautions we believe necessary to protect ourselves and those we love. This looks different for everyone and really defies a simply cookie cutter approach. But that perspective also empowers us to fully lean into the holiday. Having done all we can to be safe, we take the risk because life is simply worth it. Family is worth it. Joy, laughter, quiet moments of contentment, connecting with others. All worth the risk.

Thanksgiving: More Grateful This Year

And knowing what we do now – that life is precious and full of risk – we can be a little more grateful this year. At Dallas Maids we feel that way. The last 2 years have been the worst year on record and the best (2020 and 2021 respectively). Two years full of risk, uncertainty, and yet somehow growth and working alongside you as our customers. Would I want to do it all again willingly? Not. One. Bit.

But the lessons learned along the way, that life is risky and worth it are something we cherish. From all of us at Dallas Maids we want to simply thank you for your business. Your patronage saw us through our darkest hour and has led to new horizons for us this year. In the midst of such turmoil, you decided that taking the risk of supporting a local business to meet your cleaning needs was worth it. We will never forget that.

This holiday we are grateful for each of you, and wish you and yours the happiest thanksgiving.

Grateful Regards,
