Our Experience with Reality TV

Dallas Maids - Our Experience with Reality TV

Ten years ago Dallas Maids were invited to star on Prime Time Love, a reality TV show following the lives of the Sanders family. In episode 2 Pilar, Deion Sander’s wife, felt her family underappreciated her domestic services. So what did she do? Hire folks to do her chores for her then handing the bill to her hubby. Ouch!

One of her chores, housecleaning, was outsources to Dallas Maids. Yay!

We initially received a call from one of the show’s representatives setting up the time and place. Said it would take the whole day. Made sense, it was a 29,000 sq ft mansion! Yet in face of this daunting cleaning challenge,  our two cleaning artists were excited to have their 15 minutes of fame. Though they had nothing to worry about. It ended up being easy housecleaning.

Our Reality TV Filming Day

Upon arrival, our cleaning crew were ushered into a quiet room where they waited.


And waited.

After a few hours they were taken to one of the Living Rooms. Vacuum and dusters in hand, the TV crew positioned them just so. There they cleaned the same spot over and over again. Once the camera men was satisfied with the shots, they placed the cleaning crew in another area for more filming. This went on for a couple of hours until the cameramen had enough material. Which leads to the next point…

…And if you are a reality TV junky, spoiler alert. Do NOT highlight the following line.

Reality TV is 100% scripted.

Anyway, that was it. Easy housecleaning.

Click here for Episode 2 of Prime Time Love.

For our most popular YouTube videos, click here.

And last but not least, if you want to check our website and book one of our services, go to the booking page here.